What Happened to Just Disagreeing?

Hi.  I’m glad you stopped by.  I would like to have some conversations with y’all, but I’m not sure if it can happen anymore – at least, not without someone getting all butt-hurt because someone disagrees with their viewpoint.

I’m pretty sure you know where I’m headed with this. So, I’ll ask.

Can YOU have a conversation about a topic that is known to have differing points of view?

Can YOU show the required maturity and civility to talk about things versus just getting angry and spouting out childish crap?

Can YOU respect that there are people in this world that don’t see things the same way as you?

Is it possible to agree to disagree rather than starting the equivalent of a monkey shit fight at the zoo?

Let me know.  And thanks for stopping by.

Hi Folks… again.

So, I’m sitting here wondering if I can manage my time well enough to do just a touch more than I have here.  I know. I know.  My last post was back in 2017.

I seriously thought this would be something I’d do with some sort of regularity.  I have no excuses, though.  I just kinda dropped it.

Maybe I’ll be a little better about it this time.

So, HELLO WORLD… again.

If you’re out there reading this, thanks.  Also, let me know what you think.  Check out those older posts. I think they’re still relevant.  I want dialogue… not just monologue.


A Rant About ‘Lately’…

This rambles a bit, but I hope it helps… something?  Comments welcome…

I’ve never watched the show this clip came from.  I don’t profess to be well informed about a lot of this – partially my fault and a lot the fault of the corporate-driven, biased, bullshit media that is more interested in ratings and money than facts.  But something about what Jeff Daniels’ character says just strikes a deep resonating chord with me.  I don’t know how accurate the information he spouts is, or when/if it was accurate, but I have a suspicion that there is considerable truth in the information.

This country was not without its issues “back in the day”.  Look at some of the shit that’s surfacing these days.  But what the hell happened?  I guess I’m just tired of all the bitching.  It’s nearly all I see in the news.  Sexual harassment, racism, bullshit politics…  I hear and see a lot of complaining, but I don’t see people getting past it and starting to make things better.

We’re all racist, biased and closed-minded on some levels.  That’s because we are, at the least, partially a product of our environment.  We buy into the bullshit around us without even realizing it.  We tend to overlook and even downright ignore other perspectives, viewpoints and situations.  It doesn’t make us bad folks, but it sure doesn’t help things, either.  We need to pause a few seconds before we speak.  Hell, we need to pause a bit before we think, too.  We have to move away from snap judgments and jumping to conclusions without making sure we have opened ourselves, at least a little, to the possibility that other viewpoints might just have some validity.

Then there’s the silent majority issue.  The mouthy folks aren’t always the best people to listen to.  They tend to carry a shit-ton of bias.  They work to get people on their side by inciting some level of extremism.  When did moderation become wrong?  When did the majority become silent and ineffective?  It’s when we became afraid to speak and tell the mouthy ones to pipe down a little.  There is a difference between inspiring folks to listen and understand you versus brow-beating them into silence and/or inciting anger.

It’s time to check the egos, cut a major portion of bullshit and start having conversations that are civil and open-minded.  I’m willing to try and acknowledge your issue/plight if you’re willing to stop trying to shove it down my throat and up my ass at the same time.  Quit acting like whatever respect/acknowledgement I give you isn’t enough.  You need to remember that I was either doing okay, or had my own set of issues before you came along and started throwing shit-fits about your issues.  You might even find that I am willing to help a little if genuine appreciation is shown versus making me feel like my help is expected or necessary to clear my conscience.  You shouldn’t expect shit out of me if you aren’t willing to work with me and my views and issues, too.  We might each actually learn something, too.

It’s Okay To Not Like Christmas

Warning: Content may not be suitable for all audiences…

The holiday season can be a real pain in the ass, folks.  Stress levels tend to jump way up.  It comes in the form of family drama, shopping for Christmas and shit at work that floats to the top at the end of the year.  There is nothing wrong with not liking Christmas/this time of the year.  I know I don’t like a major portion of the bullshit that seems to come with the year-end holidays.

So, family drama…  Yeah, it sucks.  I’m not sure why it’s worse around the winter holidays, but it is.  That requirement of traditions – decorating, shopping, family gathering, gifts – can be a real test of someones ability to NOT go complete psycho.  Decorating is not that big a deal, but it can be a lot of work.  Shopping… did you see my previous post?  It’s that multiplied by a gazillion when doing the holiday shopping.

The family getting together under one roof for a few hours can be a real trial.  Some of the members of the family don’t get along for that length of time.  Family is supposed to be the least judgmental of the people you know, but we all know that tends to be a load of shit.  It seems we hold family to a higher standard on some things.  Then there is the familiarity breeding contempt thing.  Do you realize how much time you’ve spent with some of these turds throughout your life?  It can be a real test of your wits to spend the holiday with them, too.

The one hosting the gathering has gone through some shit to make their place ready to receive “guests”.  So, they’re already self-conscious and stressed because they don’t want to be judged for a less than adequate abode for the gathering.  Sounds silly, right?  Well, it is, but that doesn’t make it any less a real thing.  Remember, there’s that family standard thing.

Compound all that with feeling obligated to make sure everybody gets the right gift.  Then you don’t want anybody feeling slighted by having less money spent on their gift versus another.  It’s complete crap, but still a thing, especially with family (more of that drama).

With all that stress and bullshit, it makes sense that somebody might not like this time of the year.  There is nothing wrong with that, and fuck anybody who says otherwise.  Just try and remember that some folks really do enjoy this time of the year, and that’s okay, too.  The best to hope for is that those that enjoy the holidays have some sort of understanding/acceptance for those that have troubles during the holidays.  I wish I could offer some advice to make it better, but I can’t.  I also tend to be a victim of the “holiday blues”.  Just remember…  it will be over soon, and the year starts anew.  Good luck.

Behavior in Public; Time to Remove Heads from Asses

This is a short rant about the behavior of the general public from my point of view.  Some of the chosen vocabulary in this post is not recommended for kids and those that are easily offended.  So… let the games begin 🙂

Common courtesy is no longer common, folks.  In fact, for many, there is no effort made to even acknowledge that they are in public among others.  In others words, THESE PEOPLE ARE DICKS!!! (To put it nicely)

I have to go into public – grocery stores, banks, food joints, etc.  While it can be argued that it’s possible to stay inside my home and never have to leave for anything, I’m just not going to be a hermit and attempt to stay holed up and out of touch with the rest of the world.  But the asshole level in “everyday society” is such that being a hermit doesn’t sound too fuckin’ bad.  Time for people to remove their heads from their asses and learn to get along with others while they are out in public.

You don’t have to like anybody you see when you’re out there.  You don’t even have to be truly friendly.  But please, make some sort of attempt to behave in a manner that keeps someone like me from wanting to punch you in the face.  Pay attention to the fact that you’re not the only human being in the store or on the road.  There are many others out there trying to get from point A to point B and accomplish some task or other just like you.

So, don’t just stand in the middle of the fucking grocery aisle staring at the shelves or thumb-fucking your phone and act like you’re the only one in that aisle, or the whole fucking store for that matter.  Get the fuck out of the way for me and others.  At least pretend that you’re not a complete ass-hat.  That could lower my desire to disembowel you with a wooden spoon.

When you drive, try to remember that there are other motor vehicles out there with you.  I know it’s hard to trust others to drive “properly”.  But you not using your signals, or trying to run out a lane that’s closing, or running a light is not helping the rest of us trust, either.  Again it’s amazing the amount of assholes that have acquired licenses to drive on public streets.  Why don’t put the fucking phone down, leave a little sooner so that you don’t have to rush and for the love of (insert deity here), REMEBER THERE ARE A SHIT-TON OF OTHERS OUT THERE ON THE ROAD WITH YOU?!?!?

Instead of behaving in a manner that dictates you should be locked in an outhouse and set on fire, please, have some consideration for others while in public.  Quit acting like an entitled, snot-nosed piece of shit.  Even if you don’t make someone’s day by behaving better, you’re sure gonna help NOT make it worse.

Thank you for possibly considering this a public service announcement…